Sample Grant Application

The Snee-Reinhart Charitable Foundation receives, from time to time, inquiries regarding Page 2 of the required Grant Application.  The purpose of Page 2 is to provide precise information relating to the grant itself and not the organization.  This is an important page of our Grant Application Process and important to your proposal as this is the first page the Board of Directors will read.

This information is pulled into our database thus creating a limitation on wording especially in the Detailed Summary section.  We asked that you use the following font and point size so all of your information does not get cut off:

  • FONT:  Arial
  • POINT SIZE:  9

To further explain:

  • The Amount of Request we ask you only place a dollar value in this area.  Additional information is not needed here.
  • The Grant Request Summary is a brief summary of the Grant Request.  We ask that section is kept to one to two short sentences that quickly describes your request.  
  • The Detailed Summary should be one to three short paragraphs and elaborate more on the Grant Request Summary.  We are limited to 600 words or less in this section.

Below you will find of a SAMPLE application.  Please note, this is a fictious organization based on samples taken from well received grant applications.